IOD organization for demining envisions a society free of mines and their dangers, and
aware of the dangers and consequences of the presence of these mines and remnants of war
in their areas of residence and work and their effects on their economic and
psychological situation, as well as the responsibility of individuals themselves to
report and alert about these mines and remnants of war in case they are seen
IOD is working and assist the Those affected by the presence of mines and remnants of
war. Therefore IOD will take all necessary initiatives /measurer towards the potential
and self-determinations of community people enabling them to know the mines and war
remnants' problems by themselves And following a set of measures and procedures to
reduce the risks associated with the presence of these war remnants in their areas of
residence or work.
To help and develop the distressed, needy, neglected, and vulnerable people Those
affected by the presence of mines and remnants of war in their areas All over Iraq and
especially the socially and economically by providing them necessary assistance for
sustaining their lives and conditions especially the women and children as well.