Prior to the commencement of any field activities, Insanyon is submitting adequate documentation as to site personnel competency, appropriate qualifications and training. All on-site staff are receiving the same training. Team Leaders are also receiving an additional training to enhance their ability to provide guidance and make informed decisions. This additional training will include the following:

  • Review of the Insanyon safety Plan
  • anagement of hazardous waste site clean-up operations
  • Management of site work zones
  • How to communicate with the media and the public
  • PPE selection and limitations
  • Emergency Response Plans
  • Spill containment
  • Monitoring site hazards

Insanyon primary objective is to reduce on-site hazards and eliminate the risk of an emergency occurring. However, in the event of an emergency, it will be the effective use of contingency planning that will minimize the impact of the emergency. To protect the safety and well-being of on-site personnel, the environment, and the public, a site-specific Medical Emergency Response Plan (MERP) will be designed and incorporated into the IP. The MERP will be designed in accordance with Insanyon policies and procedures. The MERP will minimize the adverse effects of an emergency through the identifica- tion of potential emergencies and the specification of appropriate response actions. Insanyon understands that it is responsible for all medical or casualty evacuations to include medical services provider and payment to said provider. The MERP will allow for a tiered approach to casualty evacuation as follows:

  • Individual First Aid Kit – each staff member will be used an IFAK and will be trained its use, in addition basic first aid training will be given.
  • Medic/Ambulance and Trauma Kit – Each team will be equipped with trauma bag, spine board and an ambulance together with a medic and driver. The Medic will be trained in Basic Life Support. This will form the first response to CASEVAC.
  • Insurance Provider – the insurance provider will be engaged in the MERP and once the casualty is delivered to a facility will initiate a process that ensures care for the casualty, this may include evacua- tion to a third country if deemed appropriate/necessary and it is practical to do so.

Insanyon is committed to protecting our assets, including people, property, and information. Insanyon will promptly respond to reports of illegal, unethical, or improper safety acts committed by Insanyon employees or non-employees who are engaged in Insanyon business. Illegal and improper acts may often result in legal liability, lost earnings, and lost opportunities for Insanyon and the client, as well as damage to their reputations. Immediate reporting of major accidents will be from the Team Leader to the Project Manager. These personnel will make the required reporting to international standard and the customer satisfaction as required by law and the contract. The Team Leader will report serious incidents and accidents to the Insanyon Head Office as soon as possible, but not to exceed 24 hours, utilizing the Insanyon incident reporting system. Primary accident reports will be the responsibility of the Team Leader, who is also responsible for the compilation of victim statements and other required data. Once the initial report has been filed, the Project Manager will determine the necessary level of follow-up reporting. All investigators will adhere to the following basic philosophies:

  • Investigations will be conducted with respect for human dignity.
  • Investigations will be conducted in a legal, ethical, and professional manner.
  • Investigations will be conducted in a timely, efficient, and cost-effective manner, with minimal disruption to the business operations.
  • Full cooperation is expected from all employees, contract employees, and suppliers of goods and services regarding the investigative process.
  • Information obtained during an investigation will be disclosed only to those individuals with a “need to know”.